Note: If you upload a CSV file after typing in email addresses, it will overwrite any email addresses you've added.If you use a CSV file, put each email address on its own line without any commas. Add email addresses separated by commas or click Upload new CSV file.You can use the same list for future tests on any of your apps.

Type a name to identify your list of testers.Under “Link availability,” select Email lists.On the left menu, select Development tools > Internal app sharing.Option 2: Create a new list of authorized testers On the Uploaders and testers tab, scroll to the “Manage testers” section and check that the option “Anyone you shared the link with can download” is selected (it should be selected by default).Option 1: Make your app available to anyone with a link
Important: After adding authorized testers, provide your testers with instructions on how to turn on internal app sharing.

Option 1: Create a new list of authorized uploaders Upload and share apps Upload and share apps for testing Download links expire 60 days after the upload date.You can share an internal app sharing link with as many users as you want, but a maximum of 100 users will be able to download your app using the link.They’re automatically re-signed with an Internal App Sharing key, which is automatically created for your app by Google. Uploaded artifacts for internal app sharing can be signed with any key, and don’t need to be signed with a production or upload key.Uploaded artifacts for internal app sharing aren’t shown in your app bundle explorer, nor can they be included in releases on testing or production tracks.You can upload and share debuggable APKs.Version codes don't need to be new or unique, and you can reuse version codes for app bundles or APKs that you’re sharing.If you have the Release apps to testing tracks permission, you’re authorized to upload APKs for internal sharing by default.Before you startīefore uploading files for internal app sharing, here are some important things to know: When sharing your app this way, you can restrict access to email lists only or allow anyone whom you share the link with to download.
With internal app sharing, you can quickly share an app bundle or APK with your internal team and testers by uploading an app bundle or APK on the internal app sharing upload page and generating a link. Read this post on the Android Developers Blog for more details. New apps larger than 150MB can use either Play Asset Delivery or Play Feature Delivery. Starting August 2021, new apps are required to publish with the Android App Bundle on Google Play.